Cities are a result of choices. Let’s help make Halifax the most sustainable city it can be.

Our HRM Alliance is a coalition of over 60 organizations from environment, business, health and community sectors advocating for a sustainable future in Halifax Regional Municipality.


Greenbelting protects the places that matter: places to hike, swim, and learn, habitats and corridors for wildlife, and greenspace that mitigates our climate impact. Greenbelting curbs sprawl, which has high economic and environmental impacts, and allows us to focus on building complete communities.

Complete Communities

In building complete communities, we make our neighborhoods more livable by prioritizing access to essential community services, affordable and accessible housing, transportation and recreation options. Building complete communities requires prioritizing our growth around main streets and growth centres.

We are over 60 organizations from across Halifax Regional Municipality uniting to advocate for a sustainable city.

We come together as a coalition to advise council, engage in policy and planning, and advocate for our members.

Take a minute to read
Our Seven Solutions for a liveable and sustainable HRM.

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